2021-05-22 13:26:25 +08:00

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Blog.Core is an enterprise-class back-to-back separation framework for.NET Core5.0 API + Vue 2.x + RBAC. Website: Has been used by several companies: [click to view list] (

Project single deployment, concurrent at 400~500, all normal (do not guarantee their own various error writing). The effect is even better if the load is matched.


Features and Progress

Framework module:

  • adopts the form of 'repository + service + interface' to encapsulate the framework;
  • async/await development;
  • access to domestic database ORM component - SQLSUGAR, encapsulate database operation;
  • support free switching multiple database, MySql/used/Sqlite/Oracle/Postgresql/reach/NPC Jin Cang dreams;
  • realize project startup, automatically generate seed data ;
  • five types of logging, audit/exception/request response/service operation/SQL logging, etc.
  • Support for project transaction processing (use CAP if you want to distribute) ;
  • Design 4 types of AOP facets programming, including: logging, caching, auditing, transaction ;
  • Support T4 code template, automatically generate code for each layer;
  • or use DbFirst one key to create their own project four layer files (support multiple libraries);
  • encapsulation Blog. Core. Webapi. Template project Template, a key rebuild their projects;
  • with multiple front-end cases for reference and reference: blog.vue, blog.admin, nuxt.tbug, blog.mvp. Blazor ;
  • Uniform Integrated IdentityServer4 Authentication ;

Component module:

  • provides Redis for caching;
  • API file with Swagger;
  • Use Miniprofiler for interface performance analysis ;
  • uses Automapper to handle object mapping;
  • uses Autofac as a dependency injection container and provides batch service injection ;
  • supports CORS cross-domain;
  • encapsulates JWT custom policy authorization;
  • uses the Log4Net logging framework and integrates the native iLogger interface for logging;
  • using Signalr duplex communication ;
  • Added iprateLimiting for API current limiting;
  • Use for task scheduling (currently single machine multi-task, cluster scheduling is not currently supported);
  • Support for database 'read/write separation' and multi-library operations ;
  • Added Redis Message Queuing ;
  • new RabbitMQ message queue ;
  • New EventBus ;
  • Debugging - Unified Aggregate Payment;
  • Plan - Data department authority;
  • plan -es search;

Micro service module:

  • can cooperate with Docker to achieve containerization;
  • can cooperate with Jenkins to achieve CI/CD;
  • enables service discovery with Consul;
  • can cooperate with Ocelot to achieve gateway processing;
  • can cooperate with NGINX to achieve load balancing;
  • can cooperate with IDS4 certification center;


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Official document 📕

Still in the process of sorting out, but the basic operations, including how to get started, configure data, connect to DB, and so on

[the official documentation] ( Official account important articles + video address


three platforms synchronized live


Blog Park:

csdn: Code Cloud: Https://


Lao Zhang. The Netcore and Vue Framework Learning catalogue is as follows

System environment

Windows 10, SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio 2017, Windows Server R2

Back-end Technology:

  *. NET core 2.0 API (because you want to simply build front and rear separation, so choose the API, 
  if you want to understand. Net Core MVC, you can also communicate)
  • Swagger front and rear end document description, writing interface based on restful style

  • Repository + Service Warehousing mode programming

  • Async and await asynchronous programming

  • Cors Simple cross-domain solution

  • AOP based on tangent programming technology

  • AUTOFAC lightweight IOC and di dependency injection

  • Vue Local Agent cross-domain scenario, Nginx cross-domain proxy

  • JWT Permission Authentication

Database technology

  • Sqlsugar Lightweight ORM Framework, Codefirst

  • T4 Template generation

  • AutoMapper Automatic Object mapping

Distributed caching technology

  • Redis Lightweight Distributed cache

Front End Technology

  • Vue 2.0 Framework Family Barrel Vue2 + VueRouter2 + Webpack + Axios + vue-cli + Vuex

  • Elementui component library based on Vue 2.0

  • Nuxt.js Server Render SSR